Making VolcanoesRecently we had great fun creating our volcanoes - we have loads of them to share with you - which one is your favourite? Click on the button to view slideshow.sixthfifth (16)sixthfifth (13)sixthfifth (12)sixthfifth (9)IMG_6932IMG_6931IMG_6930IMG_6927IMG_6928IMG_692510-1-17-264410-1-17-1143
Recently we had great fun creating our volcanoes - we have loads of them to share with you - which one is your favourite? Click on the button to view slideshow.sixthfifth (16)sixthfifth (13)sixthfifth (12)sixthfifth (9)IMG_6932IMG_6931IMG_6930IMG_6927IMG_6928IMG_692510-1-17-264410-1-17-1143